viernes, 20 de octubre de 2017

Postgraduate Studies

Hello, in this post I am going to talk about the postgraduates studies that I am going to do in a future. 

I would like to do the specialty in pediatric dentistry because this course has a relation with the children and health. I have heard that this specialty is very difficult, because the little kids don’t like that a strangers insert in their mouth different instruments very intimidating, besides they don't have any idea about what is the oral cavity and the type of disease could have in the future.
Resultado de imagen para odontopediatria

But in this moment I would like study this major because the kids are the future of ours country and world, this is the reason that is important the prevention in this age about different diseases for have in the future a good health and help the people that haven’t information about this.

If I studied this major I would like it to be in this university, because the Universidad de Chile has to more standing about the other university. This is the reason that according to requirement of this specialty I am going to study 8 hours to the day from Monday to Friday.

Maybe in the future I am going to change this idea but in this moment I really like pediatric dentistry. 
Resultado de imagen para odontopediatria llorando

domingo, 15 de octubre de 2017

My future job

Hello in this post i am going to talk about my future job. Well in this moment I am studying dentistry but in the future I want to work being dentistry in the differents parts of the public service from Chile with a indoor job. I really like to travel and work to around of the south of Chile, because I know in this part of our country they don’t have there are not many dentists because they most want to stay in santiago or in their own dental clinics. Besides I like to visit the other country for to know other points of view about the odontology.
Resultado de imagen para dentista de la universidad de chile
The salary is variable, because it depends on where you are working and in the area in which you specialize, but I think the salary it is between 1300 and 2000 dollars. I just want to live comfortably and give my parents a good life, because because I want to give them back what they gave me.

When a I finish my major i really like to learn more about what I studied but I don’t know if i want to study after. There are many specialties in dentistry to study after, but in this moment... I just know that the Estefania of the future will make the right decision.

sábado, 14 de octubre de 2017

Favourite animal

Hello everyone! Today in this post I am going to talk about my favourite animal.
Okay, it’s very difficult just choose one of the animals of the world, but in this opportunity I will choose a Hedgehog in specific the European, because we can find more 15 different species of this animal.
This type of animal are so cute and very small like the size of a hand, the people usually have this animal as a pet but you can find them in native habitat because there are wild animals. They are recognized by their spines on their back, around 5000 spines, because is a way for defends of the other predator and they curl up into spiny ball cause they need protect their stomach. Besides they have a little eyes and very poor eyesight but excellent senses of smell and hearing.

They are omnivorous this means that their typical diet consist of insects and berries.

I like this animal because my cousin is a veterinarian and had many hedgehogs. He let me take these animals and taught me how to take care of them. I think that from that moment I started to take care of these little animals. 

Previously, hedgies were getting their heads caught in the lids.

jueves, 5 de octubre de 2017


Hello! In this post I want to talk about my favourite movie.

Okay, I will be honest. My favourite film series It will always be Harry Potter, but in this post i want to talk about a movie that in this last time became my favourite and this is: TRAIN TO BUSAN.
Imagen relacionada

First, I need to say that I have always liked the zombies, but usually the movies are very bad, with a bad plot, bad characters and fake zombies. But this movie came into my life and changed all this...

Train to busan it’s a movie of South Korean directed by Yeon Sang-ho. This movie is an action-suspence-thriller about the zombie apocalypse. The plot of this movie tells the story Seok-woo, a father who just lived with his daughter, Soo-ahn, but he doesn’t spend much time with her. In the day of the Soo-Ahn birthday, she asks to visit her mother  because her mother lives in Busan. In the next day, the board the KTX train, but during their journey a girl who is infected attacks a members and passenger of the train where they turning into zombies. In this moment Seok- Woo with Soo- An and the other passengers must now fight for their lives.
Resultado de imagen para train to busan best moments

Maybe you think, “nah it’s another bad and pathetic movie of the living dead” BUT IT’S NOT LIKE THAT. This movie is very well made; the zombie’s looks VERY real and the plot of the movie made me afraid, suspicious and even made me cry!!!


Resultado de imagen para lo mejor de train to busan