lunes, 20 de noviembre de 2017


I'm studying dentistry and in this moment in specific the second semester of the first year of dentistry. Well, I'm going to talk to the subjects that I have in the last time.

Okay in the first semester we had 5 subjects, I think about this one is a good start because it's so hard the change of the school to university but I disagree about the time of class, for example in Anatomy we had studied 3 hours continuous ( three classes) in the morning...Please this is not normal! No person is able to pay attention more than 45 minutes; this is the reason that many of my classmates fell asleep after the first class. This could improve because why it to go to is classes if you fall asleep or don't understand the subject?

In the second semester you can find subject more relation with the career, it's the moment when the students realize if this career is for them. We have subjects very difficult like “Destrezas” and “Bayb” but we have “infotecnology” this waste of time and even teachers do not give enough importance to the subject.
“Bayb” is the subject most difficult in this semester because the teachers mix biology, histology and anatomy of head and neck where we have to study 30 subjects for a test and like anatomy in the first semester we had 3 hours three times a week in the morning in the faculty od medicine because in our faculty we don’t have cadaveric preparation neither infrastructure.

About the infrastructure i think that we need a biggest library because in many occasion it’s not enough for all the students like the “salas de pasos”. 
Resultado de imagen para odontologia universidad de chile

2 comentarios:

  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. I think the same of you in the library opinion!!! i hate how small it is, there is no space and the sound accumulated so you can not study really well
